Monday, November 30, 2015

Loves Return!

Loves Return

Can love break the chains,
The chains that bind you?

Taken from the soul of time,
Long asleep in bosom of the heart,
Torn from an all encompassing mind,
Lifted from the cares of life,
Seeking in the darkest recesses of inner being,
The all-important breath of life.
Yes love can set you free!

An old love returned to break the chains...
The Chains that bind you!

The Trees of Winter

Nichols Pond

The Trees of Winter

The trees devoid of leaves,
Stand like stark sticks.
Lost is their flush of color,
They sleep in winter’s bedroom,
Waiting to be awakened,
By Mother Nature
With her clock called spring!

Monday, November 2, 2015



Words are such a sacred thing
To poets, priests, and sovereign kings
Of Romance born to man and wife
That later cause domestic strife

To children fall the pain and woe
As they listen to words in anger thrown
To cease the pain they run and hide
They cry with no one by their side

If loves sweet words are thrown so light
Allowed to fester in the night
The child will see through vacant eyes

A world that has proved love a lie