Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Seasons that Mark time...

The seasons like life revolve around,
Marching forward with no glances back,
With no regrets, without a care,
Each marking the Solstice here and there.

Spring with all of its awakening glory
Sends breezes through winter chill,
Touching us and bring warmth,
Awakening the giants on the hill.

Summer comes in torrents of rain,
With warmth and sun to ease winter’s pain
Until fall returns in colors gold,

To tell the secrets that she’s been told.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Memories of the Past

Evening Tide - taken near Old Forge

Memories like cymbals clanging
In each empty corner of each room
Feelings left unfinished
Brushed aside to hide the pain
Of love

Time heals they say
But that is not so
It only deadens a heart grown heavy
And our life when filled with woe

It marks the channel of the oceans current
Changed by our tides ebb and flow
So out on this sea of life we sail
Not knowing the way wind may blow

Poems left for other lovers
Line by line written so
But memories prove unforgiving
In feelings that eyes do not show

Life is like a bottle
Set adrift at evening time
The ride it takes only guided
By the moon and earthly tides

With no control and no clear path
We wander shores of sand and sea
Always searching for love

And in the end find life’s realities