Saturday, February 6, 2016

To look to the Light!

The Inner Light

Sometimes when darkness falls around us,
We need to look to that inner light,
That piece of life endowed by the creator.
That spark that came with earthly life.

Too often darkened by the world around us,
Unable to be seen because of daily chores,
But when darkness falls around us,
We should think as that child once more.

To have the eyes we had as children,
Seeing the world through wonder bright and new,
Looking forward to new tomorrows,
Enjoying life and love and youth.

To the inner light we must return,
Leaving earth and cares behind,
We must look for spark we had as children.
For that is what keeps our soul alive.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Snow Shadows...on a winters day!

Snow Shadows

The trees on the snow in white,
Cast their shadows late this night.
Long and grey with branches bent
Believing life will return again.

Spring is due in lives revolving time,
Followed by warmth and summertime;
Only to wait and watch in fall,
The color fade from branches tall.

Then the snow of winter... smiles,
As life dances beneath the moon,
When cold December shows its ways

And shadows fade by afternoon.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

As we grow older....Missing

Picture taken at Oxbow Park


Missing from my pillow
In the deepest part of night,
Is the love and inspiration,
That takes my life to flight,
A simple joy and pleasure
A part of life not measured.

Like holding hands in evening
While the fire softly glows,
Little secret words spoken
Those only lovers know.
Time removed from our daily cares
A wistful note on life,
Where things are appreciated
As a relief from daily strife.

In youth we dreamt of the future,
All knowing, all positive of its outcome.
But in age much wiser now
So this simple truth we found…

Life does not go on forever
Though we strive to make it so,
So we must catch the ring of pleasure

Where ever it might go.